The purpose of the room reservation process is to enable law students to work towards their law school success. To achieve this goal, the following policies apply to all group study rooms except the active study room in the Law Library:
Please abide by these policies and be considerate of your colleagues. Anyone found not being a good user of the rooms may face consequences including loss of study room privileges.
Room numbers are 3 or 4 characters, e.g., 101, 101B, L101. The left-most character that is a number indicates the floor of the building for the room. The reservation system below groups the library study rooms by category (small, large, casual), and separates the Interview/Advocacy rooms into their own group.
Attorneys and members of the public are not able to check out Law Library materials. If you have needs that can only be filled by the Law Library, please fill out this form.
UH students may check out library materials with their Cougar Cards. Circulating materials can be checked out and returned at the circulation desk in the 4th floor library.
Circulating materials: Items may be borrowed for a two-week loan period and renewed for an additional two weeks if no hold is placed on the book. Renewals for these materials may be done from the online catalog, in person, or by phone (713.743.2300). Please note that many items in the library collection do not circulate and may not leave the library.
Course Reserves: The library maintains a collection of course textbooks and other items placed on reserve for Law Center courses. Students can check out course reserves for four-hour intervals, but each student may only check out a particular reserve text once per 24 hour period.
The library will send reminders before items are due back and overdue notices after the loan periods have expired. If items are overdue, users may be charged a replacement and processing fee for the item, which must be paid through UH Student Accounting.
Paging is a service that allows patrons to borrow books from the M.D. Anderson Library, UH main campus branch libraries, UH-Downtown, or UH-Clear Lake. Books can be requested through the Law Library catalog by clicking the "Request" link and can be delivered to the Law Library circulation desk. Patrons will receive an email when the item is ready for pickup.
UHLC faculty may check out library materials with their Cougar Cards, or return materials, at the Law Library circulation desk.
General Library Materials: UHLC faculty can check out most law library materials for one year. Items will be automatically renewed unless requested by another user.
Textbooks: Course textbooks on reserve are meant for student use, and the library asks faculty to refrain from checking out these materials. If material is needed on an emergency basis, it may be checked out for 48 hours.
The library will send reminders before items are due back and overdue notices after the loan periods have expired.
Paging is a service that allows patrons to borrow books from the M.D. Anderson Library, UH main campus branch libraries, UH-Downtown, or UH-Clear Lake. Books can be requested through the Law Library catalog by clicking the "Request" link and can be delivered to the Law Library circulation desk. Faculty can also request these items via their library liaison. When requested materials arrive, they will be routed to the faculty member.