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Sound Levels

Collaborative Zones Group conversations
Devices permitted
4th Floor Library
Study Rooms
Quiet Zones Whispered conversations
Devices on vibrate
5th Floor Library Tables
5th Floor Study Rooms
Silent Zones

No conversations
Devices on silent
No Food

Olivas-Reyes Reading Room

Find Your Sound Zone

Reading Room

The Michael A. Olivas and Augustina H. Reyes reading room is located on the fifth floor of the O'Quinn Law Building. The reading room is available for UHLC student use twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The reading room must be kept silent. Please report noise violations to the website's chat or the fourth floor circulation desk.

Study Rooms

The O'Quinn Law Building has study rooms on the third, fourth, and fifth floors. Small study rooms are reserved for groups of at least two; large for groups of at least four. You can book a study room by using the library's room reservation system. A group may occupy any empty room if that room is not reserved.

Active Study Room

The active study room is on the fourth floor of the O'Quinn Law Building. This room has two treadmill desks and two stationary bicycle desks available for current UHLC student use. Students must complete a waiver each semester before using the active study room equipment and swipe their Cougar Card for access.

4th Floor General Space

The law library fourth floor is a collaborative, talking area for current UHLC students. Library service desks are located on this floor. Multiple types of seating are available for student study. 

5th Floor General Space

The law library fifth floor is a quiet study area for current UHLC students. Quiet talking voices should be used in this area.