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Visitor Policy: Home

Visitor Circulation

Attorneys and members of the public are not able to check out Law Library materials.  If you have needs that can only be filled by the Law Library, please fill out this form

Visitor Policy

The University of Houston Law Library is open to Law Center students, faculty, and staff. Attorneys and members of the public are best served by the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library and the Fort Bend County Willie Melton Law Library. The library does not provide copies of forms and does not have computers available for public use. The library does not provide public access to Westlaw or LexisNexis. If you have needs that can only be filled by the University of Houston Law Library, please fill out this form

Self-represented parties to a legal proceeding

If you are a self-representing party to a legal proceeding, we recommend that you visit and make use of the services at the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library. The Hainsworth Library is a public library that serves the legal information needs of self-represented litigants, legal professionals, the judiciary, and county and other governmental officials. The Hainsworth Library provides reference services to the community, including connnecting patrons to helpful forms, guiding patrons to useful research materials, and referring patrons for legal help. In addition, the Hainsworth library provides remote access to Westlaw. Learn more about the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library and access online resources at the library's website,